Fan Performance Test Procedure

This content provides you with a sample Fan Performance Test Procedure in the manufacturing vendor shop.

This article is a supplementary article for the Third Party Inspection for Fan and Blower article. Please review this article first; we will wait here for you.

This content can also be included as part of the fan factory acceptance test.

Fan Performance Test

1. Scope - Fan Performance Test 

The present operative has the scope to define the operating modalities and acceptance criteria for the performance test of fan.

2. Reference

  • ASME PTC 11-2008;

3. Definitions

Performance test at inlet

Measure of pressure points on duct installed on inlet of fan;

4. Responsibility

The Quality Control operator (QC) must:

  • Perform the mechanical functional test;
  • Issue the test certificate;

The Technical manager (TM) must:

  • When requested, co-operate with QC during test;
  • Define the operating conditions for fans running test.

The Quality Assurance manager (QAM) must verify the right test execution.

5. Operative Conditions

Test Limits

The test technical limits for fans running test are:

  • With absorbed electric power ≤ 200 kW and starting current ≤ 190 A, with fan inlet closed, it is possible to test the fan at the operating speed;
  • The test will be carried out with job motor;
  • Voltage 0 - 400 V three phase;
  • Frequency 50 Hz for direct on line starting, from 5 to 100 Hz for variable speed starting (inverter).

Inlet Test

The test is performed according to ASME PTC 11 -2008 according to Volume Flow Rate – Pressure approach and the scope is to verify the contractual performance point of characteristic curve of fan.

The test is performed using n° 3, or more, different diaphragms chosen so to mach the equivalent diameter of resistant circuit.

The test media will be air. The conversion from test condition data to design ones will be performed according to AMCA 210.

Fan Performance Test - Checked Data:

  • Inlet Flow Rate;
  • Inlet Temperature (Test Condition are Probably Different From Contractual One);
  • Static Pressure;
  • Absorbed Power;
  • Fan Rotation Speed;
  • Air Density.

Fan Performance Test - Measure To Be Done:

  • Power (Watt);
  • Barometric pressure (mm Hg);
  • Dry and wet bulb temperature close to testing area (°C);
  • Temperature td3 (°C);
  • Static pressure in the section 3 Ps3r (PL3) (mm H2O);
  • Dynamic pressure in the section 3 Pv3r (PL3) (mm H2O);
  • Rotation speed (rpm)

6. Fan Performance Test Acceptance Criteria

The test will be considered accepted if the static and total fan efficiencies are conforming to contractual range values inside the ASME PTC 11 tolerances.

Fan Performance Test - Contractual Value:

  • Inlet Pressure: X 1 barg
  • Outlet Pressure: X 2 barg
  • Flow: Y m3/h
  • Speed: Z rpm

7. Measuring Equipment

The described test shall be performed, where requested, using calibrated equipment .The instrumentation to be used consists in :

  • Wattmeter
  • Barometer
  • Dry and wet bulb thermometer
  • Digital differential manometer with digital thermometer
  • Tachimeter


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