Field Control System Inspection and Test Plan

This content provide you with a draft field control system inspection and test plan. This is a draft FCS ITP and must modified based on your requirements.

Field Control System Inspection and Test Plan

Field Control System Inspection and Test Plan TaskVendorTPI InspectionClient
Pre-inspection meeting, when specified by Purchaser/OwnerHHR
Visual inspectionHWR
Dimensional inspectionHWR
Inventory check including the following items as minimum: 1) Inspection for general appearance including wire and cable, 2) Check that all equipment are correctly marked and located according to the layout DWGs, 3) Check that all the hardware documentation is availableHWR
Hardware system check and test including the following items as minimum: 1) Hardware system process interface input/output, 2) H1 interface and interoperability, 3) Digital inputs and outputs, 4) Analogs inputs and outputs, 5) Subsystem interface, 6) Noise immunity, radiofrequencies immuity (Note: Vendor's certificate or certificate issued by the Third Party Agent may be substituted if difficult to test), 7) Interferences between systems, 8) Functionality of redundant parts, 9) Power failure test, 10) Hardware items check and test including monitors,keybord printers etc.HHR
Standard and application software check and test inclu. The following items as minimum: 1) Operating system test, 2) Data acquisition and control software test, 3) Application software test, 4) Communication procedure test including openness and interoperability, 5) Communication system redundancy test, 6) Powerfailure autorestart check, 7) Data logger configuration test, 8) Diagnostic function test, 9) Simulation of recordsHHR
I/O CheckHWR
Loop configuration check and functinal testHWR
Complex loop and logic test(including sequence and interlocks) HWR
Graphics checkHWR
Report checkHWR
Control/Alarm/Trend grouping checkHWR
Communication interface test to 3rd Party Equipment,when specifiedHHR
System level functional test (e.g. configuration capability, diagnostic, back-up function, etc)HWR
System shutdown/reboot functionality checkHWR
Documentation review prior to release(Final activity of Technical Inspection)HHR
Pre-shipment InspectionHHR


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