Insulation Inspection and Test Plan 

This insulation inspection and test plan article provides with you a draft ITP. It is a primary plan and you must add your purchase order specification and requirements in this plan.

Insulation Inspection and Test Plan TaskVendorTPI InspectionClient
Insulation mill test reportHHR
Insulation concering test according to code and standardHWR
Insulation final visual inspection including packaging and quantity controlHHR
Insulation Documentation review prior to release(Final activity of Technical Inspection)HHR
Insulation Pre-shipment InspectionHHR

Insulation Inspection and Test Plan Points

H: Hold Point implies that relevant production activities shall not proceed until the continuation of work is permitted by Purchaser. (Notification req'd)

W: Witness point implies that Purchaser intends to witness the designated inspection feature. If Purchaser decides not to witness the relevant feature, production can proceed without permission of Purchaser. (Notification req'd)

R: Review inspection & test records (Notification not req'd)

The inspection scope and level must be decided by purchaser. For big order, purchasers normally designate an inspection agency to witness some production tests, but in normal orders only pre-shipment inspection is designated.

In pre-shipment inspection, test reports and other quality control documents must be precisely reviewed by inspector.

Inspection notification must be issued by vendor at least 7 days in advance. The inspection notification is sent to the purchaser and purchaser will review and after approval will sent to its assigned TPI agency.

The inspection body will make required inspection based approved inspection and test plan. The inspection agency is responsible to supply inspection visit report to the purchaser.

If the result of inspection was satisfactory, then inspection agency will issue the inspection release note. This is necessary when it is specified in the purchaser order or in the letter of credit. 

The inspection certificate will be necessary when the inspection is mandatory requirement in LC clause 46.A.


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