Liquid Penetrant Testing Conclusion

 The Liquid penetrant testing conclusion shall be done by qualified ASNT Level II or III. As per ASME Code Section interpretation shall be done within 10 min to 60 min after applying developer.

The qualified technician will make a visual inspection and compare the indication size and shape with acceptance criteria and decide which one is acceptable and which is rejectable.

liquid penetrant testing conclusion

Liquid penetrant Testing Conclusion for Pressure Vessel 

The conclusion should be based on ASME Section VIII Div.1 Appendix 8 for welded joints and same standard appendix 7 for casting components.

Liquid Penetrant Testing Conclusion for Power and Process Piping

The conclusion should base on ASME B31.1 and B31.3 respectively.


The conclusion for steel structure should be based on AWS D1.1.

The conclusion for the storage tank liquid penetrant test shall be done based on API STD 650. However, this standard refers you to ASME VIII Div. 1 appendix 8

Most of the construction code does not address the acceptance criteria directly and refer to the ASME VIII Div. 1 appendix 8

After completion and conclusion of the test, the Level II liquid penetrant inspector prepares and submits the test report.


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