Liquid Penetrant Testing Report Format Article  

Liquid Penetrant Testing Report Format shall be designed based on approved test procedure and referenced code and standard. The test report is filled out as soon as the test technician completed the evaluation part of the test. 

PT Test Report

Liquid Penetrant Testing Report Format

As min following information shall be included on the form:

  • The technique being used, e.g., visible or fluorescent
  • The method being used, e.g., water washable, solvent removal, post-emulsification
  • Weld Joint No, component name and number
  • Joint Thickness
  • Lenght of Test or percentage of selected components
  • Acceptance criteria being used, e.g., ASME Section VIII Div. 1, B31.3, b31.1, API 1104, etc.
  • The material brand and type being used
  • Test date
  • The type of indication and discontinuities being found, e.g., cracks, porosities, hot tear, cold shut, lack of fusion, etc.
  • The test accepted or rejected
  • End user name
  • Prime contractor name
  • The technician Name
  • Technician Signature 


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