Pipe Inspection and Test Plan 

This content provides you with a draft Pipe Inspection and Test plan. This pipe ITP is general. You must modify this ITP based your purchase order requirements. 

Pipe Inspection and Test Plan
Pipe Inspection and Test Plan TaskVendorTPI InspectionClient
Mill test reports(incl.heat treatment records,etc.)HRR
WPS/PQR, Welders qualifications (records or welder's list) (Note: If welder's ability is judged as doubtful, a new qualification(WQT) test will be required)HRR
Non-destructive testing (RT, UT, MT or PT) (Review of all radiographs films)HWR
Heat treatment execution, if specifiedHWR
Metallographic examination, if applicableHWR
Visual and dimensional controlHHR
Hydrostatic test, if applicableHHR
Painting, coating, marking and color coding checkHWR
Final visual inspection including packaging and quantity controlHHR
Documentation review prior to release(Final activity of Technical Inspection)HHR
Pre-shipment InspectionHHR

The I4I Academy Online API 570 Piping Inspector Course addresses pipe inspection and testing in API RP 574 and ASME B31.3. 

H: Hold Point implies that relevant production activities shall not proceed until the continuation of work is permitted by Purchaser. (Notification req'd)

W: Witness point implies that Purchaser intends to witness the designated inspection feature. If Purchaser decides not to witness the relevant feature, production can proceed without permission of Purchaser. (Notification req'd)

R: Review inspection & test records (Notification not req'd)

Refer to construction code, this ITP must be modified and completed. It is necessary you add 3 columns in above ITP. You must determine the construction code or vendor specification in one column in the second one the acceptance criteria must be identified and in third column the verifying document must be stated.

The determination of the hold, witness, or review points depend to the purchaser. It is also depend to purchase order requirement and whether you have ordered the pipe to a pipe manufacturer or you have bought manufactured pipe from a supplier or pipe vendor.

If you have bought  a manufactured pipes so witnessing of some tests is not possible and you  can only review the manufacturer test reports.

Following table is a guide for determination of a inspection level for pipes.

MaterialScheduleSizeInspection Class
Carbon Steel<80≤10"D
Carbon Steel<80>10"C
Carbon Steel≥80≤10"C
Carbon Steel≥80>10"B
Low alloy & Stainless Steel<80≤10"C
Low alloy & Stainless Steel<80>10"B
Low alloy & Stainless Steel≥80≤10"B
Low alloy & Stainless Steel≥80>10"A
Special Pipe<80≤10"B
Special Pipe<80>10"B
Special Pipe≥80≤10"A
Special Pipe≥80>10"A

Pipe Inspection and Test Plan - Classes

Class A: Mandatory Involvement during the fabrication; 60 to 100% checking of parts forming the batch to be inspected (minimum one piece)

Class B: Optional involvement during the fabrication; 25% to 60% checking of parts forming the batch to be inspected. (minimum one piece)

Class C: 10 to 25% random inspection of the parts forming the batch for which the definition is given by the standard of the product (minimum one piece

Class D: 0 to 10% random inspection of the parts forming the batch for which the definition is given by the standard of the product (minimum one piece)

This ITP is not applied for Line Pipe and you may refer to inspection and test plan for line pipe article to see draft ITP.


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