Third Party Inspection for Material Stamp

This article provides information about third party inspection for material stamp and the BSEN 10204 requirement for the material certificate.

Some purchasers require their purchased material to have specific kinds of material certificates. The BSEN 10204 standard helps these purchasers by identifying a simple code.

There are several types of material test report certificates, but the most important are 3.1 and 3.2 certificates.

The BSEN 10204 3.1 material test certificate is issued by material manufacturers and the manufacturer's sign and stamp is enough. But BSEN 10204 3.2 material test certificates need to be issued by an independent third party inspection agency.

In general, the material with a 3.2 certificate would be much more expensive than material with a 3.1 certificate. The material manufacturers need to pay to the third party inspection company to witness a test, issue the material certificates and also stamp the material.

Third Party Inspection for Material Stamp EN 10204

The request for 3.2 material certificates depends on the purchaser. Some purchasers request 3.2 certificates when they want to order to the new material from a manufacturer and have no idea about the manufacturer material quality and concern about purchased material.

Some others prefer to pay more and to be 100 % sure about the quality material and always order material with 3.2 certificates and do not consider the manufacturer's primary prequalification assessment.

Some other purchasers are traders and mandated by their client or end-user to buy the material with 3.2 certificates.

Anyway, the 3.1 and 3.2 certificate provides this option to the buyers to pay more fees and minimize their risks


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