Welding Electrode Inspection and Test Plan

This welding electrode inspection and test plan article by I4I Academy LLC provides you with a example welding electrode ITP. You need modify  some items to meet your purchase order specifications.

This ITP dose not include the manufacturing standard or specification, acceptance criteria and verifying documents.

These items must be added to this ITP based your purchase order specification.

Welding electrode inspection and test plan

Welding Electrode Inspection and Test Plan Points

Welding Electrodes/Wires Inspection and Test Plan TaskVendorTPI InspectionClient
Standard conformity checkHHR
Material test report and/or material certificate (certificate of compliance)HWR
Production date and shelf life checkHWR
Stamping/Lable check (type of welding electrode)HwR
Visual, Packing and Quantity checkHHR
Documentation review prior to release(Final activity of Technical Inspection)HHR
Pre-shipment InspectionHHR

H: Hold Point implies that relevant production activities shall not proceed until the continuation of work is permitted by Purchaser. (Notification req'd)

W: Witness point implies that Purchaser intends to witness the designated inspection feature. If Purchaser decides not to witness the relevant feature, production can proceed without permission of Purchaser. (Notification req'd)

R: Review inspection & test records (Notification not req'd)

Purchasers normally assign third party inspection agencies for pre-shipment inspection for this kind of commodities. The TPI inspector must review all test reports. These test reports must be checked against manufacturing standard, and vendor specifications.

The inspection scope depend to the welding electrode buyer, when the purchase value is great, then purchaser might designate a resident inspector to supervise and witness all mandated tests.

This normally done when there is a big construction project and all required welding electrodes and wires are going to be purchased from a electrode manufacturer.


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